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Google Shut Down Google Business Websites

Millions of business owners are left without a website, but if you're one of them, we have a working solution for you. In this article you will find the latest updates regarding Business Sites, why having a website is a crucial asset and also how our web solution could help you sustain your online presence.

Google Shut Down Google Business Websites

Google Leaves Business Owners Without a Website

 On March 5, 2024, Google officially announced that the Business Sites are no longer supported and if you click on any Google website link ( it will lead you to your Google Business Profile on Maps but not for long.

Redirects will stop working on June 10, 2024. After this date, visitors will encounter a 'Page not found' error when attempting to access your website. Until then, Google will automatically redirect them to your Google Business Profile in Google Maps.

Every business owner without a backup website has little to no time to react to this announcement, which is crucial for their business and online presence on Google.

But don’t worry, it's time to change for the better, and we have the best solution.


 Why Having a Website is a Crucial Business Asset?

To give you a perspective of why having a website is fundamental for your business, we have highlighted the most important statistics taken directly from the market:

  • 75% of people base their first impression of a business on its website.
  • 91% of customers visited a store after interacting with an online website.
  • 53% of a website's traffic comes from organic search on Google.
  • 15–50% growth in revenue is seen when customers connect through the website. 

Your website not only helps customers connect with you but also brings more potential clients and new opportunities for growth. Hence, we have chosen to help all business owners by creating not only a replacement for GBP websites but a game changer that looks and performs better.

Helping Business Owners with Reliable Website Solution

Our replacement to Business Sites is fast, eye-catching and easy to navigate. The newly added features help you stand out in your own way and also are optimized to increase the amount of visitors and conversions.

By choosing our managed solution, in a matter of days you will have an active website that will give the chance for customers to connect with you and our thorough SEO optimization will help Google bring more potential clients and create new opportunities that convert.

Don’t make the mistake of leaving your business without a working website, let us help you build the solution that will improve and enhance your overall online performance.

Change. For The Better.